We’re delighted to announce that together with Mid Yorkshire NHS Trust, L&R UK have been shortlisted for two HSJ Partnership Awards 2024.

👉 Most Effective Contribution to Clinical Redesign
👉 Best Community Services Partnership with the NHS
Working in partnership with the Vascular Nurse Consultant within Mid Yorks, L&R UK have supported the redesign of care delivery for leg ulcer patients to reduce nursing hours and associated costs of care, improve patient and workforce wellbeing, and improve nursing workforce retention.
This consisted of:
Implementation of the Lower Limb Wound Pathway (Atkin & Tickle 2016) to standardise care service-wide
Implementation of the leg ulcer champion model to build competency and capability in the clinical workforce
Empowering patients to self care, releasing nursing capacity
L&R UK are dedicated to supporting trusts to transform patients LIVES with venous leg ulceration, reducing the burden on the NHS and improving patient quality of life.
The winners of each category will be revealed at an awards night held at Evolution London on the 21st March 2024.
The full list of finalists can be viewed here.
You can learn about our Leg Ulcer Treatment Pathway on LeaRn On Demand. Sign up here, or if you're already registered, simply click here.
If you’re interested in implementing the Leg Ulcer Treatment Pathway, or for further information on how L&R can improve outcomes in wound care, contact our team.